About us

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offer quality Australasian based IME training and education for qualified doctors and healthcare providers, legal professionals, insurers and government authorities and medico legal groups… as they join us on a journey to independent medical excellence.

ACIME was established in 2021 with the aim to provide leading independent medical evaluator education and training. ACIME’s course content was designed with consideration for Australasian legislation, and to provide greater accessibility for Australasian evaluators. ACIME prides itself on bringing together and working collaboratively with our board of advisors to enhance quality standards within the industry and improve outcomes for individuals in medico legal settings.

Together we teach the art and understand the science of independent medical evaluation.


To be the partner of choice globally for life-long learning.


Leader in education and provision of support to Australia’s IME stakeholders.


Discovery: Seeking to create new knowledge and understanding, and foster creativity and innovation, for the benefit of our communities, society, and the environment.

Collaboration: Listening and evolving together, helping and supporting each other for the sake of a collective goal.

Excellence: Delivering quality education of unmatched values, constantly raising the standard.

Join us on a journey towards independent medical excellence. Big plans are the ideal and achieved through small things, done well, consistently.